Summer 2021

New Features

Data Anonymization

When requested, Librestream can enable ‘Data Anonymization’ for your domain. When Data Anonymization is enabled, deleted users will automatically have their Personal Identifiable Information (PII) anonymized. The username, email address and other PII will no longer be available for display in Onsight Platform Manager (OPM) reports and call statistics. An anonymized pseudonym will be inserted in its place to prevent identification of the user. Call statistics, reports and events will still contain the anonymized data for analytics.

HoloLens 2 – File Management

Local file management is now available within Onsight Connect for HoloLens 2 to view, share and manage images and recordings. QR code login support is also included to streamline access to Onsight Connect on the HoloLens 2.

Workspace Webhooks for On-Premises

Using Workspace Webhooks, you can now automate content management with external systems through HTTP callbacks (Webhooks) as defined in OPM. An active Webhook will automatically notify the external system when Workspace creates, modifies or deletes an asset.

Video Enhancements

Onsight clients now include additional options to enhance video quality including adjustments to Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) defaults that optimize delivery of media packets in challenging environments and the ability to display the last best picture until full frame video packets are received. This new ‘Wait for Refresh on Lost Video Frame’ option is ideal for use cases where picture quality is more important than motion.

Android: 3 Participant Call Support

For customers with industrial Android devices and dedicated network infrastructure, a new option is available to add a 3rd call participant without needing a PC in the call as the host device. Note: this option requires Android 10 devices with a minimum of 3Mbps (bandwidth/network) and 2GB RAM.


Released Versions

Onsight Connect




Onsight Platform Manager
Onsight Platform Manager – On Premises
Workspace – On Premises



Resolved Issues


Onsight Connect for Windows

5263 Blue Tooth LE detection improved.
8014 Fixed screen sharing issue on laptops without integrated cameras.
9505 Fixed exception when using menu shortcut while menu bar is hidden.
9093 Fixed hard to resize window issue.
10275 Fixed app launch issue on reinstall, occurred only if previous application folder was deleted.



Onsight Connect for iOS

6509  Side panel is properly displayed if camera permissions were not granted.
9037  iOS 14.6 – timing issue on switching input fields resolved.


Onsight Connect for Android

4972  VPN connection error correctly handled.
8948  Subject audio is now streamed when enabled.


Onsight Connect for RealWear HMT

8701 GPS overlays now visible on HMT OS v12.



Onsight Connect for Vuzix

5287 Item numbers can now be used in the share dialog.



Onsight Platform Manager

7371  Fixed scroll wheel issue in the ‘Maximum number of connections’ client policy field.
8074 On Premises – login form updates.
8788  SSO Client query string now contains the client parameter allowing client login via the URL.
9112  Null reference error on empty External Contacts page fixed.
9674  On Premises – added ‘New Contact’ field validation.
10032  On Premises – fixed non-default MySQL port issue during install.



Onsight Workspace

9648  Security updates.