Fall 2021

Release Date: November 29, 2021


New Features

Scheduled Anonymization

For customers who require data anonymization to meet privacy regulations, Librestream will enable Scheduled Anonymization. When Scheduled Anonymization is enabled, active users will automatically have their Personal Identifiable Information (PII) anonymized based on the Personal Data Retention Period (12 or 18 months). The username, email address and other PII will no longer be available for display in reports and call statistics. An anonymized pseudonym will be inserted in its place to prevent identification of the user and anonymized data for active users will be grouped into monthly segments.

Affected Documents: This change is reflected within the following guides and resources:

  1. Page 15 – The HOSTED FEATURES section, within the OPM Admin Guide.
  2. Page 27 – The REPORTS section, within the OPM Admin Guide.
  3. CLIENT POLICY tab within the Onsight Platform-Manager Default Settings document.

Remote Video Privacy – Option to require consent for remote video-sharing requests

‘Require consent for remote video sharing requests’ gives customers greater control over video sharing during an Onsight call. When enabled, users must provide consent before a remote participant can view video from their camera. Video privacy is enhanced at sensitive locations by requiring users to provide consent before sharing video.

Affected Documents: This change is reflected within the following guides and resources:

  1. Page 23 – The REMOTE VIDEO PRIVACY section, within the OPM Admin Guide.
  2. Page 19 – The Participants Panel section, within the Onsight Connect User Guide.
  3. Page 21 – The Share Video section, within the Onsight Connect User Guide.
  4. Page 37 – The Hosting a Multiparty Conference Call section, within the Onsight Connect User Guide.
  5. CLIENT POLICY tab within the Onsight Platform-Manager Default Settings document.
  6. Page 4 – Step 7: Share Video section, within the How To: Onsight Connect for Smartphones document.
  7. Page 4 – Step 7: Share Video section, within the How To: Onsight Connect for Windows (PC/Tablets) document.
  8. Page 6 – Sharing Files section, within the FAQs for Onsight Connect document.
  9. Page 1 – Item 3, within the FAQs Onsight Connect for External Guest Users.
  10. Page 4 – Start Video Stream section within the How To: Send an External Guest Invite document.
  11. Page 3 – Step 3: Changing the Video Source within the How To: Multiparty Calls document.

Client Policy – Option to restrict the ability to add manual contacts

A new option to decide whether users can add external contacts manually provides additional access control. When disabled, users can only select and add contacts from the Global directory.

Affected Documents: This change is reflected within the following guides and resources:

  1. Page 8 – The ADD A USER section, within the OPM Admin Guide.
  2. Page 11 – The Add a Contact section, within the Onsight Connect User Guide.
  3. CLIENT POLICY tab within the Onsight Platform-Manager Default Settings document.
  4. Page 3 – Step 4: Add a Contact section, within the How To: Onsight Connect for Smartphones document.
  5. Page 3 – Step 4: Add a Contact section, within the How To: Onsight Connect for Windows (PC/Tablets) document.

Client Policy – Option to select guest invite user mode

When enabled, users can choose the Onsight Connect experience for their guests by setting the user mode to either Expert or Field within the guest invite. This option provides users with the ability to match the experience to the guest user.

Affected Documents: This change is reflected within the following guides and resources:

  1. Page 8, within the ADD A USER section, within the OPM Admin Guide.
  2. Page 32 – The Invite a Guest section, within the Onsight Connect User Guide.
  3. Page 34 – The Inviting an External Guest section, within the Onsight Connect User Guide.
  4. CLIENT POLICY tab within the Onsight Platform-Manager Default Settings document.

Onsight Connect for Android 11 Update

Updated Android 11 support to address an Onsight Cube connection issue. (Requires Cube FW v2021.11.10.2133 update available for automatic download from Onsight Platform Manager.)

China Android App Deployment/Redirection

Customers who have users in China or send Guest invites (SMS or email) to users in China can automatically direct them to the download location for Android, iOS and Windows in China. The Windows download is hosted on Librestream servers in China, the Android app is available from multiple China-based app stores, and iOS continues to be available from the App Store in China. By request, customers also have the option of using TeamLink servers in China for their China-based users to optimize call routing.

Note: for the Android stores, the Trademark™ in China is Librestream Onsight (not Librestream Onsight Connect). The App deployment is currently not available for custom branded applications.


Released Versions

Onsight Connect




Onsight Platform Manager
Onsight Platform Manager – On Premises



Cube Firmware 2021.11.10.2133


Resolved Issues


Onsight Connect for Windows

6119 Fixed failure to connect calls after VPN reconnections.
6605 Fixed a display issue when the window size is scaled to smaller sizes.
9432 Updated Japanese translations.
11718 Fixed crashes in related to a rare timing event on some PCs while looking up DNS.



Onsight Connect for iOS

9432 Updated Japanese translations.


Onsight Connect for Android

9432 Updated Japanese translations.
12082 Fixed app crash when launching Android 12.


Onsight Connect for RealWear HMT

9982 Fixed issue where the Video Sources menu does not timeout when the HMT is paired with the Onsight Cube
10009 Updated the image stabilization dialog to correctly reflect the current state.
10013 Fixed labelling issue when paired to the Onsight Cube and using Spanish or Portuguese (Brazil) localization.



Onsight Connect for Vuzix

5287 Item numbers can now be used in the share dialog.



Onsight Platform Manager

247  Fixed scrolling issue on heatmaps.
6755  Fixed a VPN issue which caused anomalies on the heatmap.
10919  Fixed issue which caused some calls not to be properly linked resulting in duplicate calls being reported.
11647 Updated call reporting so that both legs of the call get reported even if a client is late reporting the call to OPM. The term ‘participant pending’ is no longer used.
11808  On Premises – fixed the issue where a Hololens device is unable to authenticate to the server.
11865 Fixed a display issue where long pseudonyms were being displayed for anonymized data.


Onsight Cube

11815 Added support for Android 11 Wi-Fi direct connections. (Includes Onsight Connect for Android, RealWear and Vuzix.)